lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


Verb Conjugation and Spelling (Simple Present)

Verb Conjugation & Spelling

We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without the TO).
In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.
SubjectVerbThe Rest of the sentence
I / you / we / theyspeak / learnEnglish at home
he / she / itspeaks / learnsEnglish at home
The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of that verb:
1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.
  • go – goes
  • catch – catches
  • wash – washes
  • kiss – kisses
  • fix – fixes
  • buzz – buzzes
2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.
  • marry – marries
  • study – studies
  • carry – carries
  • worry – worries
NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.
  • play – plays
  • enjoy – enjoys
  • say – says

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